Cuerda G4 VIOLIN Aquila. Encordado histórico de tensión igual. Tensión MEDIA (17FU)

Cuerda G4 VIOLIN Aquila. Encordado histórico de tensión igual. Tensión MEDIA (17FU)


35,55 €
IVA incluido
20-30 días a partir fecha de pedido
G-4 (4ª violín)
35,55 €
IVA incluido
20-30 días a partir fecha de pedido

Cuerda G-4 Violín entorchada plata sobre tripa. Afinación histórica con tensión igual en todas las cuerdas.
17FU equivalente a tripa lisa de 1.75mm.

No se recomienda su uso en violines con montaje moderno.

Baroque Violin historical gauges:

Strings calculated according to pitch 415 Hz. Vibrating string length: 32 cm

The diameters suggested here were the norm for violin setup between the Mid-Eighteenth and the end of the Nineteenth century, as indicated by the rich documentation of that time. In particular, the gauges in normal tension are the same we measured in April 2004, which belonged to Nicolò Paganini. The gut strings suggested in these sets are made of unsplit lamb gut type HU which have a surface only partially smoothed to imitate the old hand smoothing system. Through this method the quantity of damaged surface fibre is considerably reduced compared to the rectified strings made according to today procedure. The advantages consist of greater stability at climatic changes, longer life of the string, better acoustic performance. The fourth string is made according to the directions reported by F. Galeazzi (Rome 1792) and Louis Sphor (1832).
-Mimmo Peruffo: Aquila corde armoniche

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