Títulos recibidos recientemente.Ver todos

  • Bach on the lute. Volume 1, 2
    BACH, Johann Sebastian
    Accords et harmonisationL’écriture normale pour luth du XVIIIe siècle se compose principalement de 2 voix, aiguë et grave, en ajoutant parfois une voix centrale supplémentaire, ce qui donne une texture à 3 voix. Les accords à 4 voix ou plus étaient généralement réservés aux cadences ou à des moments particuliers. Une façon de décider si une œuvre de Bach est orientée vers le cl...
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    195,00 €

  • BACH, C. P. E. Piezas de estudio del Ensayo sobre la verdadera manera de tocar el teclado.
    BACH, Carl Phillip Emanuel
    Piezas de estudio del Ensayo sobre la verdadera manera de tocar el tecladoCarl Philipp Emanuel Bach (1714-1788)Edición de Eva Martínez MarínEdición de las dos colecciones de piezas para teclado que Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (1714-1788) publicó como suplemento a su monumental Ensayo sobre la verdadera manera de tocar el teclado, y que viene a completar la edición crítica español...

    29,80 €

  • Baeté. The Natural Violist.
    BAETÉ, Thomas
    15 essential exercises for the Viol, design and illustrations by Bram Ollieuz. The Natural Violist is a stunning little book (in English), that by its beauty and clarity, tries to seduce viol players to keep building and strengthening their basic techniques. Each of the 15 chapters presents one specific technical aspect of viol playing by means of a simple exercise, followed by...
    20-30 días a partir fecha de pedido

    21,80 €

  • Bali. French Renaissance dances for 4 stringed instruments
    BALI, János
    The pieces that contain are grouped according to the various types of dance, and supplemented by a description of the most important dance steps, and formulas of ornamentation providing patterns and ideas for use in performance. An ensemble of different-sized recorders/strings is one of the most typical instrumental combinations of the Renaissance, and can successfully evoke th...
    5-15 días a partir fecha de pedido

    24,90 €

  • Boccherini. 9 Quintetti per Chitarra, 2 Violini, Viola e Violoncello (G 445-450, 451, 453, G deest)
    BOCCHERINI, Luigi (1743 - 1805)
    I Quintetti nn. 1-7, 9 e le 12 Variazioni sulla Ritirata di Madrid, per chitarra e quartetto d’archi, non sono nominati né nei cataloghi autografi boccheriniani, né nel Catalogo Boccherini y Calonje, né nel Catalogo Baillot. Menzionati invece nel Catalogo Picquot, il loro testo ci giunge tramite tre manoscritti non autografi e tre stampe non autorizzate di primo Novecento. Le t...
    5-15 días a partir fecha de pedido

    163,00 €

  • Capirola. Non ti spiacqua l´ascoltar
    CAPIROLA, Vincenzo / CHERICI, Paolo (Ed.)
    Editor: Paolo ChericiTablatura italiana para laúd renacentista.La edición incluye la reproducción del prólogo (en tamaño reducido) y un par de páginas del original. ...

    18,00 €

  • Cherici. Antologia didattica per Liuto.
    CHERICI, Paolo (Ed.)
    Idioma: Italiano / Inglés. ...
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    42,00 €

  • Cherici. Regola per l´apprendimento del Basso Continuo.
    CHERICI, Paolo (Ed.)
    Concepita in particolare per liutisti e chitarristi, ma ugualmente adatta anche per altri strumentisti interessati alla pratica del continuo come tastieristi e arpisti, la presente Regola per l’apprendimento del basso continuo intende fornire uno schema visivo in forma di prontuario in grado di riportare esaurientemente gli accordi del sistema armonico settecentesco in relazion...

    12,00 €

  • COELHO. Flores de musica (1620)
    COELHO, Manuel Rodrigues
    5-15 días a partir fecha de pedido

    90,50 €

  • Corrette. Les Délices de la Solitude Op.20. Sonatas I-III
    CORRETTE, Michel (1707-1795)
    Michel Corrette was an extremely versatile musician and music educator in 18th century Paris. His sonatas presented here are equally suitable for violoncello, viola da gamba or bassoon. Although the continuo part realises the bass function excellently, the two parts correspond very well with each other, so that the pieces take on the character of a duo and can therefore also be...

    18,70 €

  • Corrette. Les Délices de la Solitude Op.20. Sonatas IV-VI
    CORRETTE, Michel (1707-1795)
    Michel Corrette was an extremely versatile musician and music educator in 18th century Paris. His sonatas presented here are equally suitable for violoncello, viola da gamba or bassoon. Although the continuo part realises the bass function excellently, the two parts correspond very well with each other, so that the pieces take on the character of a duo and can therefore also be...
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    18,70 €

  • Couperin. Concerts royaux (1722)
    COUPERIN, François (1668-1733)
    - First separate Urtext edition of the “Concerts royaux” for chamber ensemble, based on the pioneering new edition of Book III of the “Pièces de clavecin” (BA 10846)- Preserves essential features of the original notation as well as Couperin’s original embellishment signs- Notes on historical performance practice, glossary, Couperin’s table of embellishments and symbols (Fr/Eng)...
    20-30 días a partir fecha de pedido

    30,90 €

  • Croton. A Method for the Baroque lute based on historial sources
    CROTON, Peter
    This book is an intensive tutor for the baroque lute, intended for those with previous experience on a lute-family instrument or the classical guitar. The emphasis is on the learning process rather than developing a large repertoire. There are a substantial number of pieces available in print edition as well as on the internet, and at each step along the way the learner is enco...
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    116,00 €

  • Doce miniaturas para clave a cuatro manos
    Este libro ilustrado presenta piezas originales, arreglos de piezas ya existentes y de melodías folclóricas de diversos orígenes. La voluntad de crearlo nace del deseo de nutrir el mundo del repertorio original para clave a cuatro manos, aportando un cuidado y elaborado producto de intensa carga pedagógica que sea agradable, bello, dinámico, d...

    30,00 €

  • Du Mont. Complete Edition of the 32 Instrumental Pieces VOLUME 2: Three part Consort
    DU MONT, Henry (1610–1681)
    Henry Du Mont was an important composer of church music in France in the 2nd half of the 17th century. During his lifetime, he published almost 100 Petits Motets , in which singing voices are accompanied by instruments. In these motets, which are very varied, there are also purely instrumental pieces that were originally intended for viols but were later certainly also played o...
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    17,80 €

  • Du Mont. Complete Edition of the 32 Instrumental Pieces VOLUME 3: Three part Consort
    DU MONT, Henry (1610–1681)
    Henry Du Mont was an important composer of church music in France in the 2nd half of the 17th century. During his lifetime, he published almost 100 Petits Motets , in which singing voices are accompanied by instruments. In these motets, which are very varied, there are also purely instrumental pieces that were originally intended for viols but were later certainly also played o...
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    17,80 €

  • Du Mont. Complete Edition of the 32 Instrumental Pieces VOLUME 4: Three or four part Consort
    DU MONT, Henry (1610–1681)
    Henry Du Mont was an important composer of church music in France in the 2nd half of the 17th century. During his lifetime, he published almost 100 Petits Motets , in which singing voices are accompanied by instruments. In these motets, which are very varied, there are also purely instrumental pieces that were originally intended for viols but were later certainly also played o...
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    17,80 €

  • Du Mont. Complete Edition of the 32 Instrumental Pieces VOLUME i
    DU MONT, Henry (1610–1681)
    Henry Du Mont was an important composer of church music in France in the 2nd half of the 17th century. During his lifetime, he published almost 100 Petits Motets , in which singing voices are accompanied by instruments. In these motets, which are very varied, there are also purely instrumental pieces that were originally intended for viols but were later certainly also played o...
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    18,80 €

  • El cancionero de Uppsala.
    GÓMEZ MUNTANE, Maricarmen (Ed.)
    También conocido como ‘Cancionero del Duque de Calabria’, fue recopilado en el siglo XVI en la corte valenciana de Fernando de Aragón.En el Cancionero de Uppsala predominan los villancicos, pero también hay canciones, estribotes, cantigas y otras formas poético-musicales de tipo tradicional, así como tonos de canto llano y tonos de canto de órgano. Lo forman el tipo de cancione...
    15-20 días a partir fecha de pedido

    25,00 €

  • Fandangos para tecla Vol.4
    Edición a cargo de Antoni Pons Seguí. ...
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    23,00 €

  • Fitzwilliam virginal book.
    The Fitzwilliam Virginal Book is the most important source of Elizabethan and early Jacobean keyboard literature to have come down to us. Its 297 pieces represent the most influential composers of the age, and such names as William Byrd, John Bull, Peter Philips and Giles Farnaby stand alongside slightly lesser-known figures such as Giovanni Picchi and Jehan Oystermayre. It is ...
    5-15 días a partir fecha de pedido

    230,00 €

  • Flutist in Paris. The School odf Blavet in the second Half of the Eighteenth Century
    REEDE, Rian de
    Idioma: Inglés ...
    5-15 días a partir fecha de pedido

    30,00 €

  • Gasser, B. Viola da Gamba. Schule für Kinder. Heft 1
    GASSER, Brigitte
    Idioma: Alemán.Germerscheim 2020 ...

    37,00 €

  • Gasser, B. Viola da Gamba. Schule für Kinder. Heft 2
    GASSER, Brigitte
    Idioma: Alemán.Germerscheim 2021 ...
    5-15 días a partir fecha de pedido

    37,00 €

  • Gasser, B. Viola da Gamba. Schule für Kinder. Heft 3
    GASSER, Brigitte
    Idioma: Alemán.Germerscheim 2021 ...
    disponible. Sólo 1 en stock

    37,00 €

  • Handel. Concerto à Cembalo Solo con Viola di Gambe o Braccio in C-Dur
    HANDEL, George Friedrich (1685-1759)
    This Sonata in C major for viola da gamba or viola and obbligato harpsichord is one of the well known works for this instrumentation, in spite of the fact that its attribution to George Frederick Handel is considered uncertain. The slow movements of the piece are tuneful while the fast movements show a quite lively character, and the piece is extraordinary popular among perform...
    20-30 días a partir fecha de pedido

    16,90 €

  • Hoffmann. La viola da Gamba
    HOFFMANN, Bettina
    Un’indagine ampia – su forme, taglie, terminologia, iconografia, repertorio, fonti teoriche e pratiche, implicazioni estetiche e musicali – che delinea il ritratto a tutto tondo di uno dei principali strumenti del Rinascimento e del Barocco.Unico per ricchezza e dettagli documentari, esposti con lievità divulgativa, questo volume si pone come il manuale di riferimento per chi s...

    53,00 €

  • Kronseder, Verena (*1969). Handbuch des Gambenspiels.
    KRONSEDER, Verena (*1969)
    Das „Handbuch“ richtet sich an fortgeschrittene Gambistinnen und Gambisten, die intensiv an ihrer Instrumentaltechnik arbeiten und so ihre musikalische Ausdrucksfähigkeit verbessern und erweitern wollen. Entsprechend der Originalliteratur steht die Bassgambe dabei im Vordergrund. Im Übeprozess sollen spieltechnische Grenzen überwunden sowie Entspa...
    disponible. Sólo 1 en stock

    43,70 €

  • Locatelli. 6 Sonate per Violino e basso continuo op.8. Amsterdam, s.a.
    LOCATELLI, Pietro Antonio
    Edición a cargo de Alesandro Bares. ...
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    28,00 €

  • Locke, For several Friends, 54 Duos for Treble and Bass Viol or other Instruments,
    LOCKE, Matthew (1621 - 1677)
    DescriptionMatthew Locke's For several Friends is a collection of 54 two-part movements such as Fantazie, Pavan, Ayre, Courante, Saraband, Jigg for a high and a low instrument. It has survived in a collective manuscript with consort music, which also contains Locke's well-known duos for two bass viols. It is therefore reasonable to understand the present pieces as duos for treb...
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    23,80 €

  • Locke. For several friends. 54 Duos für Diskant- und Bassgambe oder andere Instrumente
    LOCKE, Matthew (1621 - 1677)
    DescriptionMatthew Locke's For several Friends is a collection of 54 two-part movements such as Fantazie, Pavan, Ayre, Courante, Saraband, Jigg for a high and a low instrument. It has survived in a collective manuscript with consort music, which also contains Locke's well-known duos for two bass viols. It is therefore reasonable to understand the present pieces as duos for treb...
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    23,80 €

  • Marais, M. Symphonies d´Ariane & Bacchus (PA)
    MARAIS, Marin (1656-1728)
    Le Centre de musique baroque de Versailles publie le premier opéra, moins connu, que Marin Marais a signé seul. Il est à la fois tragique, sur le modèle lulliste, tout en faisant appel à une dramaturgie plus moderne, qui accumule les intrigues et fait appel à une large palette musicale.Le prologue met en scène Pan, Terpsichore, la Nymphe de la Seine et leurs suites, bientôt rej...
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    22,00 €

  • Mozart, L. Ensayo para una completa Escuela de violin.
    MOZART, Leopold (1719 - 1787)
    Segunda edición 2022Edición crítica y traducción de Nieves Pascual León.Versuch einer gründlicher Violinschule.Edición en español de uno de los métodos de violín más célebres de la historia de la música. Traducido directamente del alemán, incluye numerosos ejemplos, esquemas e imágenes extraídos de la edición original de 1756 supervisada por el propio Leopold Mozart. Sant Cugat...

    22,00 €

  • Música barroca hispanoamericana. Tonadillas, cantatas y dúos.
    Edición a cargo de Rodrigo Madrid y de Susana Sarfson. ...
    15-20 días a partir fecha de pedido

    28,50 €

  • Narvaez. Los seys libros del Delphin. Valladolid, 1538
    NARVAEZ, Luis de (c.1505-1552)
    Edición a cargo de John Griffiths.Given the high quality and accuracy of the original print, the task of making this new edition nearly five hundred years later has not presented great difficulties. The original text contains only a small number of errors. Changes to the musical text are indicated in the edition itself by footnotes on the tablature pages, so that players can re...
    20-30 días a partir fecha de pedido

    91,65 €

  • Rameau. Dardanus. Suite de Dardanus
    RAMEAU, Jean-Philippe (1683-1764)
    Editeur: Julien DUBRUQUE Type d’édition : Kit pour le concertCette référence comprend :1 ex. Conducteur1 ex. Dessus 11 ex. Dessus 21 ex. Quinte de violon1 ex. Bassons1 ex. Basses ...
    5-15 días a partir fecha de pedido

    86,00 €

  • Sheeles. Suites of lessons for the Harpsichord or Spinet. Book 1 (1724)
    SHEELES, John
    Sheeles has a distinct gift for melody and for developing musical motives intensively and inventively, while always treating the keyboard in a highly varied and idiomatic.Editor: Michael Talbot. ...
    5-15 días a partir fecha de pedido

    20,50 €

  • Sheeles. Suites of lessons for the Harpsichord or Spinet. Bool 2 (c.1730)
    SHEELES, John
    Sheeles has a distinct gift for melody and for developing musical motives intensively and inventively, while always treating the keyboard in a highly varied and idiomatic.Editor: Michael Talbot. ...
    5-15 días a partir fecha de pedido

    20,50 €

  • Soler. Nueve sonatas inéditas. Manuscrito Villahermosa 1
    SOLER, Padre Antonio (1729-1783)
    Nueve sonatas inéditasP. Antonio Soler (1729-1783)Edición de José Sierra PérezDespués de la pionera y meritoria edición de las sonatas del P. Antonio Soler realizada por Samuel Rubio entre los años 1957-1972, han ido apareciendo esporádicamente nuevas sonatas que vienen a completar poco a poco el catálogo del autor, tanto en el número de obras como en el conocimiento de nuevas ...

    32,50 €

  • Tartini. The Art of Ornamentation.
    TARTINI, Giuseppe (1692-1770)
    The Berkeley Manuscript Collection comprises one of the most important collections of Italian instrumental music of the 18th century, including many works of Giuseppe Tartini. Aside from compositions by this master, it contains 137 ornamented slow movements, 110 of which were composed by G. Tartini. The manuscripts are written by unknown hands and the original purpose of these ...

    25,90 €

  • Telemann. La Bizarre. Overturensuite G-Dur TWV55:G2
    TELEMANN, Georg Philipp (1681-1767)
    Partitura general x 1Violín 1 x 1Violín 2 x 1Viola x 1Cello/Contrabajo x 1 ...
    disponible. Sólo 1 en stock

    41,00 €

  • The Medici Harpsichord Book.
    Edición a cargo de Aapo Häkkinen.This edition presents the 15 anonymous keyboard pieces contained in the manuscript D. 2358 of thelibrary of the Florence Conservatory of Music (Biblioteca del Conservatorio Statale di Musica LuigiCherubini). This little book probably dating from the two last decades of the 17th century is bound inleather with a gold-tooled design showing the Med...
    5-15 días a partir fecha de pedido

    17,70 €

  • VIVALDI. Obra instrumental completa. 405 volúmenes. Edición crítica y transcripción de Olivier Fourés - Ars Antiqva ediciones
    VIVALDI, Antonio
    12 years have been necessary to complete the edition of Vivaldi’s instrumental music: 405 volumes (around 600 compositions). This is the first complete edition based on Peter’s Ryom Vivaldi Werkverzeichnis. It takes in consideration all the sources of each composition, publishing all of their versions. Each volume includes the score (including a critical intro...

    15.870,00 €

  • Weiss. The Haslemere Manuscript. Pieces and Lute Sonatas.
    WEISS, Silvius Leopold (1687-1750)
    Tablatura francesa para laúd barroco de 11/13 órdenesEditor(s): Jean-Daniel Forget & Guy Grangereau ...
    disponible. Sólo 1 en stock

    39,90 €

  • Weiss. The Moscow Manuscript. Pieces and Lute Partitas.
    WEISS, Silvius Leopold (1687-1750)
    Tablatura francesa para laúd de 13 órdenes.• Editor(s): Jean-Daniel Forget & Guy Grangereau. ...
    disponible. Sólo 1 en stock

    54,00 €