Dowland, J. 2nd booke of Songs


23,00 €
IVA incluido
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Laud renacentista con voz
23,00 €
IVA incluido
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John Dowland. The second book of songs or ayres of 2, 4, and 5 parts : with tableture for the lute or orpherian, with the violl de gamba : also an excellent lesson for the lute and base viol, called Dowlands adew.

I saw my lady weepe --
Flow my teares fall from your springs --
Sorow sorow stay, lend true repentant teares --
Dye not before thy day --
Mourne, mourne, day is with darknesse fled --
Tymes eldest sonne, old age the heire of ease --
Then sit thee downe, & say thy Nunc demittis --
When others sings Venite exultemus --
Praise blindnesse eies, for seeing is deceipt --
O sweet woods, the delight of solitarienesse --
If fluds of teares could clense my follies past --
Fine knacks for ladies, cheap, choise, brave and new --
Now cease my wandring eyes --
Come ye heavie states of night --
White as lillies was hir face --
Wofull heart with griefe opressed --
A sheperd in a shade his plaining made --
Faction that ever dwells in court --
Shall I sue, shall I seeke for grace --
Finding in fields my Silvia all alone --
Cleare or cloudie sweet as Aprill showring --
Humor say what makst thou heere --
Dowlands adew for Master Oliver Cromwell.

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