ABEL, Carl Friedrich (1723-1787)
This previously unpublished harpsichord concerto by Abel most likely dates from his time in Germany, i.e. it was composed before his departure for England in 1759. It has survived in a copy that is in the music library of Ludwig Baron von Pretlack, who resided in Germany near Darmstadt in the 18th century. The collection is now in the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin.
All three movements are written in the early classical concerto form in the Italianate style: recurring ritornellos in tutti alternate with solo sections. The harpsichord, which also has a continuo function in the tutti passages, is accompanied by two violins, viola and basso. This edition with a detailed introduction by Michael O'Loghlin contains the harpsichord part twice: once with and once without continuo realisation.
Editor: Günter von Zadow.
introduction: Michael O'Loghlin.
Continuo realization: Dankwart von Zadow.