RV 554/ RV 554a Concerto per Violino, Organo et Hautbois in Do maggiore ò pure 2 Violini, et Hautbois ò volendo cambiare l´Oboè in Violoncello in Do maggiore / Violin, Oboe and Organ (Violin) concerto in C-Major RV554; Concerto for Violin, Violoncello and Organ in C-Major RV554a
"The manuscript proposes three orchestrations of the concerto: the original one is for violin, organ and oboe, the second one for 2 violins and oboe (these two versions correspond to RV 554), and the third one for two violins and violoncello (RV 554a; Peter Ryom presents this number as violin, organ or violin and violoncello, but it is likely that this version was thought for three solo string instruments)."
Edición crítica, introducción (en ingles) y transcripción a cargo de Olivier Fourés.
Partitura general y partes / general score and parts.
Madrid 2015. Ars Antiqva ediciones.