RV 471 Concerto per Fagotto in Do maggiore / Bassoon concerto in C-Major RV471
RV 450 Concerto per Hautbois in Do maggiore / Oboe concerto in C-Major RV450
Vivaldi decided to arrange the concerto for oboe (RV 450) and wrote the adapted solos on other pages; this manuscript starts with a short incipit of RV 471 followed by the inscription P. Fag: ridotto P. Haut (Concerto for bassoon reduced for the oboe).
Edición crítica, introducción (en ingles) y transcripción a cargo de Olivier Fourés.
Partitura general, partes y reducción para tecla / general score, parts and keyboard reduction.
Madrid 2020. Ars Antiqva ediciones.