This concerto was transcribed by J. S. Bach for harpsichord BWV 972, and another anonymous transcription for the same instrument is found in the Anne Dawson´s book in the Henry Watson music library in Manchester (BR M 710-5 R 71).
RV 230 Concerto per Violino in Re maggiore "L´Estro armonico" opera terza n.IX / Violin concerto in D-Major "L´Estro Armonico" op.3/9 RV230
También disponible en formato pdf Vivaldi RV230 pdf
This concerto was transcribed by J. S. Bach for harpsichord BWV 972, and another anonymous transcription for the same instrument is found in the Anne Dawson´s book in the Henry Watson music library in Manchester (BR M 710-5 R 71).
Edición crítica, introducción (en inglés) y transcripción a cargo de Olivier Fourés.
Partitura general y partes / general score and parts.
Madrid 2020. Ars Antiqva ediciones.