Tudor Keyboard Music c.1520-1580

Tudor Keyboard Music c.1520-1580


130,00 €
IVA incluido
20-30 días a partir fecha de pedido
130,00 €
IVA incluido
20-30 días a partir fecha de pedido

Composer Title
ALCETUR, John A ground
ALWOOD In nomine [I]
ALWOOD In nomine [II]
AMBROSE, John Untitled (No. 27 in volume)
ANONYMOUS 81 psalme [Be light and glad]
ANONYMOUS A galyard (No. 44 in volume)
ANONYMOUS A galyarde (No. 40 in volume)
ANONYMOUS A litell god fayth
ANONYMOUS A voice Jesu
ANONYMOUS Alleluia: Per te Dei genitrix
ANONYMOUS Alleluia: Per te Dei genitrix
ANONYMOUS Amis, soufrés
ANONYMOUS Attend my people [If care do cause men cry]
ANONYMOUS Aurora lucis rutilat
ANONYMOUS Aurora lucis rutilat
ANONYMOUS Ave Maria (fragment only)
ANONYMOUS Ave Maria, incipit
ANONYMOUS De retourner
ANONYMOUS Felix namque (fragment only)
ANONYMOUS Felix namque es
ANONYMOUS Fortune unkynde
ANONYMOUS Galyard (No. 47 in volume)
ANONYMOUS Galyard (No. 50 in volume)
ANONYMOUS Gloria tibi trinitas
ANONYMOUS I hard one cry
ANONYMOUS If care do cause men cry/Attend my people
ANONYMOUS In nomine (No. 12 in volume)
ANONYMOUS In nomine (No. 13 in volume)
ANONYMOUS In nomine (No. 14 in volume)
ANONYMOUS La bell fyne
ANONYMOUS My lady Careys dompe
ANONYMOUS Myne cuckes co
ANONYMOUS Non expecto
ANONYMOUS Non exspextat
ANONYMOUS O death, rock me asleep
ANONYMOUS O death rock me aslepe
ANONYMOUS Pavane lesquercarde/The kyngs pawvyon
ANONYMOUS Remember well
ANONYMOUS Te Deum [I] (fragment only)
ANONYMOUS Te Deum [II] (fragment only)
ANONYMOUS Te Deum laudamus, incipit
ANONYMOUS The crocke
ANONYMOUS The empororse pavyn
ANONYMOUS The God of peace and love
ANONYMOUS The hapie life
ANONYMOUS The kynges maske
ANONYMOUS The kynges pavyn
ANONYMOUS The short mesure off my lady
ANONYMOUS The tromppettus
ANONYMOUS Untitled (Appendix II, No. 2 in volume)
ANONYMOUS Untitled (Appendix II, No. 3 in volume)
ANONYMOUS Untitled (Appendix II, No. 4 in volume)
ANONYMOUS Untitled (Appendix II, No. 5 in volume)
ANONYMOUS Untitled (Appendix II, No. 6 in volume)
ANONYMOUS Untitled (No. 19 in Volume)
ANONYMOUS Untitled (No. 20 in volume)
ANONYMOUS Untitled (No. 21 in volume)
ANONYMOUS Untitled (No. 22 in volume)
ANONYMOUS Untitled (No. 23 in volume)
ANONYMOUS Untitled (No. 24 in volume)
ANONYMOUS Untitled (No. 25 in volume)
ANONYMOUS Untitled (No. 29 in volume)
ANONYMOUS Untitled (No. 48 in volume)
ANONYMOUS Untitled (No. 49 in volume)
ANONYMOUS Untitled (No. 51 in volume)
ANONYMOUS Untitled (No. 52 in volume)
ANONYMOUS Untitled (No. 53 in volume)
ANONYMOUS Untitled (No. 54 in volume)
ANONYMOUS Untitled (No. 55 in volume)
ANONYMOUS Untitled (No. 61 in volume)
ANONYMOUS Untitled (No. 70 in volume)
ANONYMOUS Untitled (No. 71 in volume)
ANONYMOUS Untitled (No. 72 in volume)
ANONYMOUS Untitled (No. 90 in volume)
ANONYMOUS Uppon la mi re
ANONYMOUS Wakefild on a greene
ASTON, Hugh A hornepype
ASTON, Hugh? Hugh Ashtons maske
BLITHEMAN, John 3 parts
BYRD, William In fields abrode
BYRD, William, set ANONYMOUS In nomine
FERRABOSCO I, Alfonso A fancy
PARSONS, Robert, set ANONYMOUS In nomine
ROQUELAY Grace and vertew [Grace, vertu]
SANDRIN, Pierre Doulce mémoire (fragment only)
SANDRIN, Pierre La volunté
SANDRIN, Pierre Si mon travel
de SERMISY, Claudin Apre de vowse [Auprés de vous]
de SERMISY, Claudin C’est a grand tort
de SERMISY, Claudin Dont vient cela
de SERMISY, Claudin Dum vincella [Dont vient cela]
de SERMISY, Claudin Tant que vivray
SHEPPARD, John Vain, all our life we spend in vain
SHEPPARD, John Vaine all our lyfe
STROWGERS, Nicholas Fantasia
STROWGERS, Nicholas? In nomine (fragment only)
STROWGERS, Nicholas In nomine [I]
STROWGERS, Nicholas In nomine [II]
STROWGERS, Nicholas Upon ut re my fa soul la ij longe
TALLIS, Thomas Alleluia: Per te Dei genitrix
TALLIS, Thomas Felix namque [I]
TALLIS, Thomas Felix namque [II]
TALLIS, Thomas Gloria tibi trinitas: ij parts on a rownd tyme
TALLIS, Thomas When shall my sorofull sighthyng slak
TAVERNER, John Agnus Dei (fragment only)
TAVERNER, John In nomine
VERDELOT, Philippe Madona [Madonna, somm’ acorto]
WHIGHT Ut re mi fa soul la
WHIT, John Untitled (No. 26 in volume)
van WILDER, Philip Amor me poynte [Amour me poingt et si je me veulx plaindre]
van WILDER, Philip Doulce est la mort
van WILDER, Philip Fayre lady might ye [Un jeune moyne]
van WILDER, Philip Je file

Edited by John Caldwell
First published in 1995

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