Kühnel. Sonate ô Partite ad una ô due Viole da Gamba con il Basso continuo

Kühnel. Sonate ô Partite ad una ô due Viole da Gamba con il Basso continuo

Sonata IV-VI für zwei Violen da Gamba und Basso continuo

KÜHNEL, August (1645-~1700)

16,45 €
IVA incluido
disponible. Sólo 1 en stock
2 ó más violas de gamba
16,45 €
IVA incluido
disponible. Sólo 1 en stock

The Sonate ô Partite number among the most important German compositions for viola da gamba at the end of the 17th century. The work contains fourteen consecutively numbered sonatas or partitas of which the first six are for two viols, and the rest for one viol – all with continuo. The best-known piece is undoubtedly no. 10 (G164): a solo sonata, designated “Aria,” with nine variations on the chorale “Herr Jesu Christ, du höchstes Gut.” The first three and the last four pieces are composed in such a way that they can also be played without continuo. The level of difficulty varies.

Kassel 1698.
Editor: Günter and Leonore von Zadow.
Continuo realization: Dankwart von Zadow.

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