HAUSSMANN, Valentin (~1560-~1612)
Haussmann. Phantasia a 4, Fuga prima, Fuga secunda.
These three four-part polyphonic pieces are taken from Haussmann's two collections entitled "FRAGMENTA , Oder Fünffunddreissig nochübrige neue Weltliche Teutsche Lieder..." and "Neue fünffstimmige Paduane und Galliarde, auf Instrumenten, fürnemlich auff Fiolenlieblich zugebrauchen...", which were published in Nuremberg in 1602 and 1604, respectively. Our practical edition is suitable for recorder consort (SATB) and viol consort (TrATB); treble- and alto- clef parts for the 2nd and 3th voices are provided.
Editor: Günter and Leonore von Zadow.